WriteMD for Pharma Marketers
Engaging high-quality patients on their way to your highest prescribers.
Get in TouchWhat We Do
The number of doctors prescribing branded drugs is smaller than you might think. Less than 1% of U.S. doctors prescribe over 90% of today’s branded biopharma agents. Traditional point-of-care (PoC) marketing solutions can’t guarantee your message reaches patients of the doctors who matter most.
WriteMD® helps your brand engage with the right patients of the right physicians at the right time.
Who We Are
WriteMD is a completely digital list-match solution from Healthgrades, America's #1 website for finding and connecting with a doctor.
Only WriteMD Can:
Drive prescriptions and marketing efficiency through exclusive access to patients of high-value prescribers
Extend the single-branded experience from 30 minutes to 30 days
Eliminate dependency on in-office appointments by digitally engaging patients both in-person and via telehealth